P-Shot Miami: ED Specialist

P-Shot | Priapus Shot


P-Shot | Priapus Shot

P-Shot Miami

If you are considering getting a P-Shot in Miami, also known as a Priapus Shot, why not get one at our accredited on-site cell therapy center.

Our center is equipped with the latest in PRP technology, including state of the art centrifuge system and extractions kits for optimal PRP extraction

Your procedure will be performed in our lavish injection rooms with splendid views in a clean and comfortable environment.

Our private P-Shot rooms are also equipped with CO2 Cryotherapy machines to make injections a painless experience.

This clinical procedure is conducted by our board certified doctor who is specialized in Regenerative Medicine and has 30+ years of experience

Clinical Benefits Of P-Shot

The P-Shot is a type of PRP treatment for your penis where PRP is harvested from your own blood and concentrated into a live serum containing growth and healing factors that promote the regeneration of tissues.

PRP, also known as Platelet Rich Plasma, has been used in the medical field for years and here is what we know about it:

PRP can have these same benefits on your penis as well.

Research has shown that PRP is now being considered as a treatment for many diseases that damage organs and tissues.

As early as 2003, an article out of Boston in the Journal of Urology (J Urol 2003, click here to view), discussing new therapies for erectile dysfunction, suggested that

Translation: If you inject growth factors into the penis, then it grows new blood vessels and new tissue and gets a bigger harder penis.

We have successfully treated numerous patients with a wide range of issues with P-Shot and some of the amazing benefits we have seen are:

How Is The P-Shot Procedure Performed?

The P-Shot is a short outpatient procedure and you can resume your day as normal after your procedure. When you come in for your appointment, the doctor will:

What Is The Cost Of

$1800/ per treatment

P-shot Cost will depend on how many treatments the Doctor recommends for your condition.

We also offer the option of combining the P-Shot with other modes of therapy.

This procedure is performed by a board certified Anti-Aging Regenerative Medicine Doctor with 35 years of medical experience.

See our new specials on P-shot and shockwave.

What Results Can I Expect?

One of the questions we get asked the most is “Does the P-Shot actually work?”

We believe our patient testimonials speak for themselves.

Every patient is unique, get a consultation to see how P-shot can help you.

Is P-Shot Right For You? Learn the benefits the P-shot can have on your Performance and your life.

Our Contact

(305) 521-8522

Our Location

20200 West Dixie Highway Suite 808 Aventura, FL

P-shot promotes neovascularization and the growth of new erectile tissue, which both will increase the size of the penis.

The procedure will promote health and regrowth of the penis and the results you gain are permanent.

Yes, the P-shot not only rebuilds the erectile tissue on a cellular level, but also promotes the growth of new tissue.

Depending on your medical condition, the P-Shot will be injected into different sites on your penis, on the shaft, and around the penis.

We use a medical grade Novocain cream that makes all pain virtually  non-existant.   We also use the smallest needles possible for this procedure.

Any adverse reactions are minimal because this procedure uses your own blood to produce PRP.  Unlike any other injection, your body does not treat it as a foreign substance and P-Shot will not cause lumpiness or nodules, unlike fillers.

Where to find us?

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