P-Shot Miami: ED Specialist

Our Clinic


Our Clinic

Doctors For Erectile Dysfunction

Our men’s health center focuses on Erectile Dysfunction and is dedicated to successfully treating patients by developing a customized treatment plan rather than quick ineffective fixes.

Our team of medical professionals is lead by Dr. Nina G. MD, a Board certified from the american academy of anti-aging medicine, and wold renown for rejuvenating treatments that promote over-all health and wellness.

Meet Our Medical Director:

Dr. Nina Gupta MD: Erectile Dysfunction
Doctor In Miami

Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative Medicine reverses the process of aging at a cellular level, and is focused on developing and applying cutting edge treatments to heal tissues and organs to restore function loss due to aging, and disease.

P-Shot For Erectile Dysfunction Specialist

Dr. Nina Gupta Specializes in P-Shot which uses Platelet Rich Plasma from the patients blood to regrow erectile tissues and blood vessels, healing Erectile Dysfunction naturally at the source.



Not all PRP is created equal, that’s why we use EmCyte centrefuge and official EmCyte PRP Kits. 

This gives us the highest concentration of PRP and gives you the most rejuvenating effect from the growth factors found in PRP.  

We know you may have questions about P-Shot.
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