P-Shot Quiz
Congratulations for looking into improving your sexual health, we know this a hard to breach subject for many men, so we’ve made short and easy to take quiz that will asses if you are a good candidate for the pshot procedure.
The P-Shot is a relatively new, experimental medical procedure. There are only a handful of doctors who have had the training and expertise to perform this procedure.
The P-Shot is an elective procedure, so it is not typically covered by insurance. If you’re considering the procedure, make sure you have a comprehensive understanding of your condition. The best results will come if you can stick to your doctor’s care protocol. You’ll likely have to return for follow-up treatments. Getting the P-Shot is a good way to improve your sexual function. It’s a relatively painless medical procedure. You’ll go into the office for about 30 minutes, and a local numbing cream will be applied.